German Alphabet
Letter Pronunciation Example
A a ah Apfel - apple
B b beh Buch - book
C c tseh Creme - cream
D d deh dumm - dumb
E e eh Elefant - elephant
F f eff Familie - family
G g geh gestern - yesterday
H h hah heute - today
I i eeh imitieren - to imitate
J j yot Jahr - year
K k kah kaufen - to buy
L l ell Leute - people
M m emm Mann - man
N n enn nein - no
O o oh offen - to open
P p peh Papier - paper
Q q kuh Quiz - quiz
R r err reisen - to travel
S s ess Salz - Salt
T t teh Tochter - daughter
U u uh unter - under
V v fau Vater - father
W w veh Wand - wall
X x iks Xylophon - xylophone
Y y üppsilon Yoga - yoga
Z z tsett Zimmer - room
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